Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Wars of translation

We live in demanding times, running to the rhythm of a tyrannical clock that marks its own rhythm and speed.
In an increasingly interconnected world, where information can arise from a point on the planet and spread to another in a matter of seconds, the time is always essential, simply because it becomes a possibility and is no longer an obstacle.
It is presumed that Ben Franklin once said that "time is money".And so so easily, the money made its way into our equation.
In the world of translation services, these two factors drive the medium which sets the rules of the game.
In the market today's customers expect quickly at low cost, and which can offer the best balance between price and time usually is hired, what sets the combat for the competition arena, where translation services they will maintain a struggle to survive.
But there is a third aspect that represents a term in this equation that completes the Holy Trinity and returns things to their natural balance: the quality. That essence that we strive to preserve it as linguists or poets.

The quality, cost and time are the three basic pillars of this natural equation. And so idyllic structure can only sustain itself when only one prevails over the other two. It cannot be all at full capacity.
And in general, the time and cost are the factors that share the center of attention.
In this Trinity, one of them always will be sacrificed for the sake of the other two. It's tragic, really.
It's like a romantic triangle, in which the quality is usually set as the third wheel, alone in a dark corner, full of apathy and a sense of unrequited love.
Think of fast food. It is fast and cheap (and even tasty), but it has no nutritional value.
And that is what you have much demand these days. In an era in which boasts the largest chain of fast food in the world with "in a minute or it's free", where businesses develop exciting pace driven by low costs and deliveries on time, it is easy to forget our purpose as Paladins of the leng UA vernacular.
The so-called "miracle" of automatic translation takes place in this increasingly competitive environment where being able to process complex parameters in seconds makes you win the race.
But what is this race? From where or where you are? What is the purpose of all this?
Let us not forget why we chose the path that has led us to where we are today. The noble path of the linguist, those are the colors that I support.
But there are many tracks in this race, many fields of battle in which this "war" is being waged, and the most powerful armies of this conflict are increasing his power of fire as fast as they can.
A few weeks ago, Amazon announced the development of its own machine translation engine, defying Google in a market that so far belonged mostly to them, establishing a bipolar scenario equally competitive forces suddenly. Sound familiar?
Therefore, while this "rage of Titans" modern takes shape, and reform the industry of translation services at the same time, it is important to know where each one of us and where our loyalties lie.
In an era in which money is the engine and the fuel that moves the gears of the civilized world, mega corporations like this, govern the industry with the awesome power of their technical and financial resources, making us forget the most important thing: the essence-the ex official.

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